Learning with South Tipperary Beekeepers Association
One of the principal functions of STBA has been the provision of educational facilities for its members and especially for newcomers to the craft. This has been accomplished by way of lectures and courses during the winter season and outdoor practical demonstrations during the spring and summer. The most notable innovation in recent years is the facility for group study to prepare candidates for the various exams of FIBKA. Separate study groups are organized at Preliminary and Intermediate levels.
This method of study combined with hands on practical work in the apiaries has had remarkable success in that the Association can now boast of having six certified Federation lecturers as well as three honey judges and a good number of members who are holders of intermediate certs and/or practical bee master’s qualifications. Members are called regularly to lecture or run practical workshops on the FIBKA Summer Course in Gormanston' as well as judging at various honey shows including the Irish and British National Honey Shows.

Month by Month Advice
- Giving the Bees More Space
- Wasps
- Basic Technique for Making Up a Nuclei
- Queen Cells
- The Art of Course Beekeeping
- Winter in the Apiary
- Exocrine Glands
- Endocrine System
- Got Native Bees
- Preparing Bees for the Winter
- How to Start a Queen Rearing Group
- Preparing a Queen Rearing Training Day
- Willie Robson Irish Lecture Tour Notes, Feb 2010
- Our President Honoured
- RTE Bee Article
- Young Beekeeper Program 2017 (Kindly sponsored by the Heritage Council)
- RTE: Irish Honey as good as Manuka
- Honey Adulteration

Fact Sheets
- Planting a Wild Garden
- How to make your first glass of Mead
- Making a Cake of Wax for the Honey Show
- Nosema
- Acarine
- Sterilization of Combs/Bailey Frame Change
- Shook Swarm
- Simple Nuc Production for the Beginner
- Vince Cook Method of Nuc Production
- Opening a Colony of Honeybees
- Hive Record Card
- Spring Management of Bees
- The Beekeeping Year
- Management of Nuclei to Turn them into Productive Colonies
- Basic Technique for making up Nuclei
- First Few Weeks of Beekeeping
- Choosing a Hive
- Apiary Site: Where to locate your bees
- First Steps in Keeping Bees

Current Courses
No Current Courses